Gregor Moder, Sonja Vilč

May 15 at 8.30 pm
Venue: Cankarjev dom (Kosovelova dvorana)
Duration/ 60 minutes
English language performance.

De.Kons derives from the tradition of improvisational theatre, though it is based on a firmly established structure, and enters a dialogue with Dadaism, Luddism, poetry, clown performances, and language theory. The basic improvisational element is a sentence which is suggested at the beginning of the performance by the audience. This sentence offers the two performers the text that they use throughout the entire performance. The sentence becomes a sequence of sounds with which the performers and the cellist interplay. In the context of already determined situations and the stage set, the sentence becomes the starting point for various new situations. The deconstruction of the sentence not only occurs in the sense of it being reduced to sound alone: following the improvisational method, new meanings (both intentional and unintentional) are discovered over time. Repetitions and new transitions create a language unique to each performance.

Teater Narobov creates street interventions, theatrical happenings, radio shows, and interactive performances. Its creations emerge from collective work and improvisation.

Concept, performers: Gregor Moder, Sonja Vilč
Music: Nikolaus Herdieckerhoff
Costume design: Katarina Zalar
Set design: Katarina Zalar
Light design/ Andrew Rogers
Production: Narobov, KUD France Prešeren




We reserve the right to possible programme alterations.